Junior Golf Academy and After School Program
We have focused on junior golf development for the past 20 years. Our time-tested, multi-level system focuses on the different skills needed to play this very challenging game. Our system keeps juniors engaged and focused on success.
Level testing takes place during the first and last weeks of a session.
Through our programs, juniors learn how to enjoy the challenges that golf presents and makes overcoming those challenges an integral part of who they are.
Our students have gone on to play high school golf, collegiate golf and professional golf. Perhaps more importantly, they have continued to play golf. I stay in contact with nearly all of my juniors (and every year they become adults). All report back that having learned the game as a child is one of the best things that could have happened to them and that the fundamentals they learned in our classes have served them well over time.
Golf is truly a game that one plays for a lifetime and the skills a junior learns while playing transcends the game itself.
Our Junior Golf Academy prepares kids to be champions on the course and in life.
After School Academy
We run a year-long Junior Academy. During the school year, the classes are held after school and on the weekends. The year is split into 4 sessions. The sessions are typically split up as follows:
Classes are 60 minutes and are held 6 days per week. There are no classes on Mondays. There are several different options for enrollment.
Pricing is as follows:
$450 for 12 weeks of classes (one class per week)
Class times:
Tuesday (Ages 4-6) 3:30 to 4:30 pm Register for this Class
Tuesday (Ages 7-11) 4:30 - 5:30 pm Register for this Class
Wednesday (12-16 yrs old) 4:30 - 5:30 pm Register for this Class
Friday (12-16 yrs old) 4:30 - 5:30 pm Register for this Class
Saturday (Ages 7-11) 11 am-12 noon Register for this Class
Saturday (12-16 yrs old) 2-3 pm Register for this Class

Spring 2025 Session Starts March 11

The satisfaction that they have after learning to hit a good tee shot or chip it close to the hole is something that stays with them for a lifetime.
Seeing that satisfaction on their faces is what stays with us for a lifetime.