The Mind-Body Connection in Performance
Golf Performance Training: The Mind Can be Trained for Optimum Performance
“Golf is 80% Mental”
Welcome to the most complete performance development program in golf. During the course of the year, you will learn how to calm your nerves and perform to your fullest. You will understand the true nature of confidence and how to tap into its powers.
How does the mind actually work? How does it affect my game? How can I tap into its powers?
Not only will we answer all of these questions and more, we will show you how to “practice” everything that is of the mind. We will show you how to relax under pressure. We will show you how to develop focus. We will show you that confidence is within you ready and waiting to be used to its fullest.
In this program you will learn that
Golf is 100% MENTAL and 100% PHYSICAL
the SECRET is to make sure that the two always work TOGETHER.
Topics to be Covered
• Confidence: how it works
• Relaxing under pressure
• Fear and doubt
• Behavior and attitude on the course
• Discipline
• Self-talk and self-image
• Shifting focus after a shot
• Forgetting bad shots
• Staying in the present
• Practicing focus and concentration
• Role of process
• Feel in short-game
• Practicing vs playing
• Expectations
• Dealing with frustration
• Decision making under pressure
• How to practice
• Green reading
• Using daily life to improve your golf
• And more…..
Over the past 30 years I have had the distinct privilege of working with Dr. David Shaner. With his help I have learned how to apply the mental techniques developed by Koichi Tohei Sensei (founder of Shin Shin Toitsu Aikido: Aikido with mind and body unified). The same techniques that allows for tremendous power through relaxation and calm that are the foundation of Aikido can be applied to golf, allowing the player to find inner calm in moments of stress.
By practicing the Four Fundamental Principles developed by Tohei Sensei, you will be able to tap into a deeper focus that most often gets termed "The Zone". You will learn how to meditate and breathe in a way that will promote calm and sustained focus. Through this sustained focus, the true meaning of CONFIDENCE will become clear. For an introduction to these principles, follow this link: www.kitogolf.com.
About Dr. David Shaner
Dr. Shaner is often referred to as "Shaner Sensei", as he is a rare 8th degree black belt having studied and taught the martial art of aikido for 50 years. Today he is the Chief Instructor of the Eastern Ki Federation (EKF) and serves as Japan Headquarters’ Ki-Aikido Advisor to Eastern Europe and The Russian Federation. While the performance improvement principles are based upon ancient traditions, they can be adapted and learned by anyone and they can be applied in athletics, music, business, and most importantly…daily life. Learning the skills of focus and relaxation lay at the very heart of performance improvement. Dr. Shaner is the author, co-author, or editor of over 40 books, including his book series with SUNY Press entitled “Philosophy and Biology. The series has 37 volumes and the topic is understanding the biological basis of productive learning and behavior.
As a performance improvement consultant, Dr. Shaner has worked with:
• Singer/Songwriter, John Denver
• Hall of Fame Head Football Coach, George Allen
• Three time Division I Football National Champions, Back to Back to Back (2005-2007) Appalachian State University
• Metropolitan Opera House Star Tenor, Tony Stephenson
• Japanese Sumo Champion, Kurosagawa
• Ki-Aikido Taigi World Champions (1996), Ileana Shaner and Eric Harrell
• US Ski Team Member, Bill Dyer
• Cadet Training for The Citadel
• Arrest Control Training, Aspen Sheriff Department, Aspen CO
In addition, Dr. Shaner’s performance improvement consulting company CONNECT LLC has been retained for years by #1 ranked industry leading companies, including:
• Frito-Lay (Salty Snacks)
• Duracell (Portable Power)
• Gillette (Grooming Products)
• JW Aluminum (Flat-Rolled Aluminum)
• Ryobi Motor Products (Power Tools)
• Synthetic Industries (Geo-textiles)
• Owens Corning Composites (Composite Fibers and Products)
• BIC (Writing Instruments)
1970’s - Member of the Olympic Valley U.S.A. Ski Team
1988 - Dr. Shaner was honored with a personal audience with His Majesty, Emperor Akihito in Akasaka Palace.
1982- Dr. Shaner was a Fulbright Scholar in India
1985 and 1986- Dr. Shaner received a “Harvard-Mellon Faculty Fellowship in the Humanities” where he taught in the Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations and the Department of Philosophy at Harvard University.
For More Info About Mental Training

Dr. Shaner leading a meditation session at MoskalGolf